Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Jesus Christ Wears a Chris Kaman Pendant Around his Neck.
Not counting the drugs he sells, Chris Kaman makes more than ten million dollars every year. If you do not make ten million dollars every year, you have not been as business-savvy as Mr. Kaman. Chris Kaman has more baby-mamas than Joseph Smith and the Ol' Dirty Bastard combined, all of them sucking feverishly at his financial teet, and it does not make a dent in his funds. Chris Kaman spends every summer in various oceans and forests, reeling in big fish and hunting big game. In fact, it could probably be said that the only type of big games Christopher has now-a-days comes in the form of the Elk and Moose which he terminates. Chris could buy your house for twice what it's worth just to light it on fire and use it to spark his blunt. Everything you want, Chris Kaman has, and he has it because he is one of the most gifted athletes in the world. Based on the lack of traffic and commentary this site has received since its inception, I felt it was necessary to remind the world of who we are dealing with...Chris Kaman, the big boss of the midwest. Bow down to a true pimp.

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Headline on Yahoos homepage this evening is the once Popular Rapper Nelly's (Country Grammar, Air Force Onez, the collaboration with toby keith, incredible lyricist,) Pimp Juice, was actually stolen from Chris Kaman. All is well though, not to worry, Mr. Kaman is still making skrilla off of Nelly's energy drink, en lou of it being made directly from Christopher's semen.